Orbitstar Interactica - The Orbit Interaction Weblog
Orbitstar Interactica leads a small, but determined fleet of broad and experienced practitioners in search of the lost home planet called Generalist Interaction Design.
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Orbit Interaction
Palo Alto, California USA
650 . 325 . 1935 office
jleft (at) orbitnet (dot) com
Orbitstar Interactica Archive - April • May • June 2006

New Design Conversation on LukeW.com:
Design Futures
Luke Wroblewski is currently hosting the latest Design Conversation between himself, Bob Baxley, Dirk Knemeyer, and me. This time our series is entitled: Design Futures: a conversation about the role of design-driven leadership in the product development process.

Design Futures: Part 1

Design Futures: Part 2

Design Futures: Part 3

Design Futures: Part 4

- James Leftwich, IDSA 9/6/2006 10:23:42AM

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All content is © Copyright 2006 James Leftwich / Orbit Interaction unless otherwise indicated.
Please contact jleft (at) orbitnet (dot) com with any questions or comments